Friday, August 25, 2006

Stolen Identities

You know, back when I first got on the Internet, there was only one Blue Ninja, and that was me. I had created the character back in my childhood and have written and designed comic books about him. But more importantly, he became my Internet Identity. I was, you get the point.

However as time grew on, it seems that I have already signed up for accounts under that name. Or at least somebody else did. And when I try to search out these "impostors," it appears to be made up mostly of dead accounts. Like someone is "domain squatting" on my id. It is everywhere. I tried to set up a YouTube account and found that Blue Ninja was taken. Now I am sure that some of these are innocent coincidence- Blue is a cool color and ninja are cool warriors, and I am sure that many of them are fans that want to be just like me. But sometimes I think I need to try to enforce my copyrights on some of these squatters and impostors. Check this questionable representative of the I found out there --

And there is not even a dedication to the original Blue Ninja.

Okay..end of silly rant. I just can't go on. In the big picture this means nothing. I just get more and more annoyed when I have to break down and create some new variation of my id just because some punk got there first. And as I said, most of them are dead or unused accounts.

I guess that I need to remember that imitation is the best form of flattery, and that when the assassins come for the Blue Ninja, they will have to wade through all the impostors first.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Vista envy? How about Vista Antipathy?

So, I was zooming along the information superhighway and cam across this...

Apple suffers 'Vista envy' by ZDNet's Adrian Kingsley-Hughes -- It seems pretty clear from the coverage of the World Wide Developer Conference that Apple is suffering from "Vista envy"? Why? Because Apple couldn't stop making comparisons between OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and Windows Vista.

And I don't think Adrian has it right. It is not envy--Its antipathy.

And doesn't Apple have a little bit of right to be pissed. After years of offering features like Expose, iPhoto and Spotlight, Microsoft comes along and tries to pawn these old OSX features off as new ideas they came up with, I would have some snide remarks as well. Hell, I would try to have a law suit or two as well.