Saturday, December 23, 2006

Review note

I just wanted to note that the html coding for the link to my Movies to See column at the Myrtle Beach Herald is amazingly weird an always changing. So, since I am very bad at keeping up with this Blog, I would just like to point out that the easiest way for my readers (All 2 of them) to find it is to go to and click on the Movies to See link in the left column.

You can also check out my Places to Be, but I don't think it would mean much unless you live on the Grand Strand or are planning a visit.

90 percent of people who read this entry will use a mouse.

So, I came across this story while doing some research for my job. And thought it was such a "Duh" moment.

90% of all new user PCs to have Vista in 2007 by ZDNet's ZDNet Research -- During calendar year 2007, Windows Vista Home products are projected to account for 90% of new Windows client operating environments deployed by home users. By comparison, Windows Vista Business and Windows Vista Enterprise will account for 35% of the new Windows client operating environments deployed by business users. During the second full year of availability, [...]

Isn't that like saying "90 percent of all new home buyers will buy houses with electricity"? or "90 percent of all new coffee mug purchases will be used for coffee." or "90 percent of people who die in 2007 will stay dead"

I wonder how people get paid to write this stuff.

Sure, there may be a few hold outs or people who buy the clearance special computers at Wally Mart, but most of the new PCs for sale will have Vista.

I really need to get on this action.

Monday, September 25, 2006

I know how this guy feels...

lonely and misunderstood. I can empathize with this genin.

(Got to love the Onion--And for those ninja fans out there, talk a close look at the names again, in case you missed it.

Friday, September 22, 2006

More of my writing out on the Web

Inside Mac Games (see my cool links to the right) has published the first of my articles written for the site. It is nothing super deep, but it is the start of a whole new aspect of my writing career. Check it out here ---

Friday, September 15, 2006

Here is the link I promised to my reviews over at the 's Entertainment page.

(Ninja's note - this blog set up doesn't seem to be setting up the address as a link, so you might have to copy and paste it into your broswer. I don't have time right now to look up the correct coding...Maybe I can get to it later.

Its not pretty, but it should get you to the page with my movie and "places to be" reviews. The places to be is a series on bars, taverns, nightclubs and other places to hang out and "be" in the Grand Strand region.

Take a gander, and tell me what you think.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I am now a paid movie critic

My first paid movie review has been published by the Myrtle Beach Herald (see the link to the right). They haven't posted it to the web site yet, but I am trying to get them to put it up. However, they are already talking about syndication!

I will keep you updated, and hopefully have a link to the review (of the movie Crank) as soon as I can get it.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Stolen Identities

You know, back when I first got on the Internet, there was only one Blue Ninja, and that was me. I had created the character back in my childhood and have written and designed comic books about him. But more importantly, he became my Internet Identity. I was, you get the point.

However as time grew on, it seems that I have already signed up for accounts under that name. Or at least somebody else did. And when I try to search out these "impostors," it appears to be made up mostly of dead accounts. Like someone is "domain squatting" on my id. It is everywhere. I tried to set up a YouTube account and found that Blue Ninja was taken. Now I am sure that some of these are innocent coincidence- Blue is a cool color and ninja are cool warriors, and I am sure that many of them are fans that want to be just like me. But sometimes I think I need to try to enforce my copyrights on some of these squatters and impostors. Check this questionable representative of the I found out there --

And there is not even a dedication to the original Blue Ninja.

Okay..end of silly rant. I just can't go on. In the big picture this means nothing. I just get more and more annoyed when I have to break down and create some new variation of my id just because some punk got there first. And as I said, most of them are dead or unused accounts.

I guess that I need to remember that imitation is the best form of flattery, and that when the assassins come for the Blue Ninja, they will have to wade through all the impostors first.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Vista envy? How about Vista Antipathy?

So, I was zooming along the information superhighway and cam across this...

Apple suffers 'Vista envy' by ZDNet's Adrian Kingsley-Hughes -- It seems pretty clear from the coverage of the World Wide Developer Conference that Apple is suffering from "Vista envy"? Why? Because Apple couldn't stop making comparisons between OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and Windows Vista.

And I don't think Adrian has it right. It is not envy--Its antipathy.

And doesn't Apple have a little bit of right to be pissed. After years of offering features like Expose, iPhoto and Spotlight, Microsoft comes along and tries to pawn these old OSX features off as new ideas they came up with, I would have some snide remarks as well. Hell, I would try to have a law suit or two as well.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tech thought of the day

So, I have been think about this movement spearheaded by Microsoft to get people to move toward Web-based applications, and there are some problems I see with this.

1) You want me to take my projects and business sensitive documents and open them up on the Web? That doesn't sound very secure to me.

2) You probably want me to use Internet Explorer, which is the most insecure web browser out there, and MS will probably find away to make it so you have to be using a Windows machine to add to the insecurity, and their profit.

3) You will probably have the same security holes you have in the current Office in the Web based version...

3.14) This will probably all be non-compatible with Macs.

4) Vista and the web Apps will probably have the same bugs and troubles previously versions have had, but they will be multiplied by internet connection problems, different scripts, firewalls and anti-virus programs.

5) How am I suppose to work on my documents when I don't have an Internet connection? Is MS going to pop for free cellular service for anyone who wants to use their products but doesn't have always-on Internet.

So, to sum up...Web based applications are good for who?

Not the consumer. And in the end, probably not for Microsoft.

Friday, June 23, 2006

A little bit of upgrading

Okay, so I have finally taken the time to look at the code for the Blog and do some upgrades.

If this has worked, you should see a cool picture of me, and some new links over their on the right.

I linked to Inside Mac Games, because I will be writing a new column for them in the very near future, so I got to plug them.

Wolf Creek Gallery is the coolest store in Myrtle Beach. It offers Southwest and Wildlife art, Native American artifacts and a whole bunch of cool stuff. Since my full-time with benefits job is with them, I thought I should plug them as well. Check them out!

Wow! So many posts today. I am think I am starting to get the hang of this. Now if I could just put out some really cool essays or reviews that people might want to read....

No interest in My space...Big suprise.

So, after having a My Space Page for about a month now, I still have no friends...Only to spam mails from girls looking for fun guys to chat and web cam for.

I have had no friend, invites or anything. But not that I expected much. I have done less with My Space than I have with my Blog. But I only opened the account because a "real" person wanted me to check out his page, but were I 15 again, I would be bummed.

Guess I am not as big a space cadet as I use to be.

Oh...If you want to see one of the lamest MySpace pages in existence, check this link out....

There is even a pic of my beautiful visage in cool hat for you to see.

Signs of Good people

So, While on my way to a tech job yesterday, I saw a man carrying a large turtle across US 17 in North Carolina. It is a busy section of the four-lane highway. He had parked his SUV in the grass median, and was obviously taking the turtle to the wood line on the far side of the road.

It is good to see some nice people are still out there.

I know...Kind of sappy post. Don't get use to it.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I can believe they did that (X3 review note)

Yeah, I can believe they did that.

(If you stayed to the end of the credits and saw the final scene of X3, you know what I mean).

Monday, May 29, 2006

I can't believe they did that! (or a quick review of X3)

I can’t believe they did that!
I can’t believe they did that, too!
I am glad they finally did that.
That rocked!

Those are just some of the reactions I had to the premiere of X3-The Last Stand.
What an awesome movie! And while it was a great movie to the general public, the fanboys (and girls) are probably still awe-struck at the events witnessed in the latest installment of our favorite band of mutants on the big screen.
To be honest, I was concerned going in to the theater. Last year’s Batman Begins rose the bar on what we should expect out of a superhero movie. But X3 took that bar and sent it into orbit!
Now, I am not going to give any spoilers here, but let me say this. Nothing is sacred, and they do not wimp out in the end with some happy “all is well, again” solution that has been seen way too often in movies, comics and TV. They take all three claws and ram them home, and there is no healing factor to save your butt. The Comic Code Commission has not approved this movie.
In the Last Stand, the X-men are forced to choose between their fellow mutants and protecting humanity as Magneto and his Brotherhood go to war over a “cure” for mutants that has been developed by a pharmaceutical company. Controversy over the cure affects each mutant. Some look to it as an escape from the persecution and isolation of being different. Others take offence that they need to be cured. And when the cure shows up as a government developed weapon, Magneto goes to war, with a resurrected Jean Grey, now reborn as the Dark Phoenix, at his side. Pyro, Juggernaut and Calisto round out the Brotherhood’s top guns, while Marrow and Multiple Man make notable appearances.
The Beast, Colossus and Kitty Pride join Wolverine, Storm and Iceman for the X-men’s last stand against Magneto’s army, with brief but important appearances by Angel and Leech.
I don’t want to say too much, and what has been left unsaid may have been too much already.
Go see it for yourself.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Oh...I am still here...I think.

Isn't just like that? Start a new thing and then the world comes up and smacks you around like Mike Tyson hungry for a piece of ear?

And I have so many ideas...Reviews for MI3 and Aeon Flux, both are good movies, not great, but worth seeing...Reminding people that Clinton and the liberals were the ones that started the whole phone call monitoring thing....And lets not forget to mention that illegal aliens are ...ILLEGAL!

I will return.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Just a quick hit to say hello. It is a busy life being a beach ninja. A beach ninja is kinda like a beach bum, but a lot more sneaky. Anyway, like a ninja, I am a jack of all trades - I teach, I fix computers, I design web sites, I do photography and freelance writing for local media. Oh, and when I can get a spare moment, I am working on a novel. And lets not forget the beach! Wouldn't be much of a beach ninja if I didn't get out in the surf when I can...which is usually at night walking the dog. But I do make a point of trying to enjoy the beach as much as possible....Oh, and that is Myrtle Beach, by the way.

So, welcome.