Friday, June 23, 2006

A little bit of upgrading

Okay, so I have finally taken the time to look at the code for the Blog and do some upgrades.

If this has worked, you should see a cool picture of me, and some new links over their on the right.

I linked to Inside Mac Games, because I will be writing a new column for them in the very near future, so I got to plug them.

Wolf Creek Gallery is the coolest store in Myrtle Beach. It offers Southwest and Wildlife art, Native American artifacts and a whole bunch of cool stuff. Since my full-time with benefits job is with them, I thought I should plug them as well. Check them out!

Wow! So many posts today. I am think I am starting to get the hang of this. Now if I could just put out some really cool essays or reviews that people might want to read....

No interest in My space...Big suprise.

So, after having a My Space Page for about a month now, I still have no friends...Only to spam mails from girls looking for fun guys to chat and web cam for.

I have had no friend, invites or anything. But not that I expected much. I have done less with My Space than I have with my Blog. But I only opened the account because a "real" person wanted me to check out his page, but were I 15 again, I would be bummed.

Guess I am not as big a space cadet as I use to be.

Oh...If you want to see one of the lamest MySpace pages in existence, check this link out....

There is even a pic of my beautiful visage in cool hat for you to see.

Signs of Good people

So, While on my way to a tech job yesterday, I saw a man carrying a large turtle across US 17 in North Carolina. It is a busy section of the four-lane highway. He had parked his SUV in the grass median, and was obviously taking the turtle to the wood line on the far side of the road.

It is good to see some nice people are still out there.

I know...Kind of sappy post. Don't get use to it.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I can believe they did that (X3 review note)

Yeah, I can believe they did that.

(If you stayed to the end of the credits and saw the final scene of X3, you know what I mean).