Saturday, December 23, 2006

Review note

I just wanted to note that the html coding for the link to my Movies to See column at the Myrtle Beach Herald is amazingly weird an always changing. So, since I am very bad at keeping up with this Blog, I would just like to point out that the easiest way for my readers (All 2 of them) to find it is to go to and click on the Movies to See link in the left column.

You can also check out my Places to Be, but I don't think it would mean much unless you live on the Grand Strand or are planning a visit.

90 percent of people who read this entry will use a mouse.

So, I came across this story while doing some research for my job. And thought it was such a "Duh" moment.

90% of all new user PCs to have Vista in 2007 by ZDNet's ZDNet Research -- During calendar year 2007, Windows Vista Home products are projected to account for 90% of new Windows client operating environments deployed by home users. By comparison, Windows Vista Business and Windows Vista Enterprise will account for 35% of the new Windows client operating environments deployed by business users. During the second full year of availability, [...]

Isn't that like saying "90 percent of all new home buyers will buy houses with electricity"? or "90 percent of all new coffee mug purchases will be used for coffee." or "90 percent of people who die in 2007 will stay dead"

I wonder how people get paid to write this stuff.

Sure, there may be a few hold outs or people who buy the clearance special computers at Wally Mart, but most of the new PCs for sale will have Vista.

I really need to get on this action.