Friday, June 23, 2006

A little bit of upgrading

Okay, so I have finally taken the time to look at the code for the Blog and do some upgrades.

If this has worked, you should see a cool picture of me, and some new links over their on the right.

I linked to Inside Mac Games, because I will be writing a new column for them in the very near future, so I got to plug them.

Wolf Creek Gallery is the coolest store in Myrtle Beach. It offers Southwest and Wildlife art, Native American artifacts and a whole bunch of cool stuff. Since my full-time with benefits job is with them, I thought I should plug them as well. Check them out!

Wow! So many posts today. I am think I am starting to get the hang of this. Now if I could just put out some really cool essays or reviews that people might want to read....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blue Rules!