Wednesday, April 18, 2007

VT Abuses

I extend my sympathies towards those who lost family and friends in the horrible shooting at Virginia Tech.

However, I am more sorry for the abuses the media is already heaping upon the survivors and the public to push for ratings and political agendas.

First, VT was not the deadliest attack on US civilians. 9/11 and Waco have that beat. But I guess Waco is forgivable because it was a government sanctioned, if misguided and unjustified, attack, and 9/11 was performed by Muslim terrorists and we can't say anything bad about them in the news anymore.

Second, I can already see the gun-control nazis coming out of the wood work, and I want to point out that if these students and professors were allowed their constitutional rights to bear arms, Cho might have been stopped before such a death count could be tallied, or he might have even been afriad to do something like that in fear of being shot. (Minor props to ABC Evening News for mentioning this side of the gun control debate, if not on equal terms as the anti-gun nazis but at least not belittling the argument.)

Is it too early to start talking like this? Not according to the news networks and not according to the anti-contitutionalist.

Personally, I feel kind of ashamed to have to say anything like this, but if people don't start now, we are going to have another Patriot Act shoved down our throats while the public is too emotional to realize how blind they were.

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