Thursday, April 26, 2007

Why do Mens Magazines always get it wrong?

So, I was over at ranting about this 21 cheep, cool things you can buy. It was an article from (which I guess is suppose to be a cool name for GQ on the web),

And I have to stop and wonder why these magazines always seem to get it wrong. Either they expect every tom, dick and joe to have a couple extra Gucci Attache cases filled with $50,000 in unmarked, non-sequential bills laying around the trunk of their Porsche or they are pointing out some stooopiiiidd junk that just isn't worth the over-priced mark up.

Go Read the article

Now here are my thoughts:

Timex - many of us don't have the $1000s it takes to get a good watch, or even one of the semi-cool $100+ ones. Timex is a good brand, but this is a lame watch.

Shaving Brushes and Art pads? Why are these on the list?

Who the hell cares about somebody's Egg McMuffin knock off from a place in New York? I live on the Beach. This isn't cool, cheap or worth the print. My bet is somebody had to come up with one more item for the list before deadline, and this was on his desk.


Underwear? The only cool underwear are the naughty little panties your date was wearing last night and are now living in that special hidden spot with other mementos of previous nights. Mens underwear haven't been cool since we got too old for underoos.

Cheap ($90) shoes from the UK? Not cool. That simple.

And as a final point...

THere is nothing cool in the Gap and definitely not $50 bucks worth of cool. I think if you fall into the gap, they tie you up and waterboard you until you think that wearing pink Polo shirts with the collar turned up will be much cooler now than when it was lame in the 80s.

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